Bryan Shipman » Home


Thank you for your interest in our school. I grew up on a sheep and cattle ranch on the edge of the hill country. I enjoy outdoor activities and seeing what happens next at work.
Favorite Website:
The site describes the ethics Cowboys lived by.  I fall woefully short of the mark many times.
Hobbies and Interests
I fish as often as I can, without neglecting my family and spending too much of the family budget for a hobby.  I enjoy fishing of all kinds from perch fishing and trotlines to spending 2 and half days offshore for tuna. 
I also hunt, but I am more selective.  Deer hunting seems to be the most common passion in hunting, but for me I only hunt deer because my family and I find venison to be excellent table fare.  I enjoy hunting all kinds of birds and calling predators during the winter months. 
I also enjoy hunting for indian artifacts and amassed a good pile of broken points with a few nice pieces mixed in the bunch.  I have not had the opportunity to do this much in the last few years.